Dear SMS Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for all your support during these challenging times for everyone. As you look over the plans for the upcoming school year, please know that we will be working on many areas as we gather more information about how to manage the virus.
Our number one goal is to make sure that we have a safe environment for our students and staff. We will focus on following all the safety protocols that have been given to the schools from the CDC.
The next goal would be to get our students back into the learning environment whether one chooses remote or in person learning at this time.
Finally, we will work on the areas such as extra-curricular to see how those can be managed in a safe environment. We know how important all the sports and extra offerings are to our students.
Please find attached a powerpoint to review some of SMS highlights for the 20-21 school year.
Please click here to open SMS Powerpoint
If you still have any questions,I will be available for an in person parent meeting on August 6 at 5pm in the ConVal HS gym and in Zoom at 6pm. If you plan to attend one of the two meetings and you haven’t already signed up, please do so in the link below.
Again, thank you for your patience at this time as we plan for the 20-21 school year.
Principal O’Bryant
South Meadow School